Practical Report

Design an algorithm and implement it in a software in Python. You algorithm must be able to carry out a task relevant to the bioinformatics tasks covered during the course.

Your implementation must NOT rely on bio-python and must be stand alone. Re-using existing code elements through cut and paste is allowed provided it is made explicit in the comments.

Plagiarism of code available online is strictly forbidden

Your software must be uploaded in a zip file containing a folder in which the following files are present:

        -A documentation in PDF format (this file), saved as documentation.pdf

        -The python executable

        -The sample file(s) if required by your program

-A file named command.txt that should contain a command line and written in such a way that the command ‘source command.txt’ ran within the unzipped folder leads to the execution of the python executable

Documentation Format

1-Description of the tasks carried out by your software - Max 400 words

2-Justification of its biological relevance - Max 400 words

3-Pseudocode - Max 20 lines

The format of the pseudocode is free. It should simply recap the main steps of your algorithm. Note that in case your code is not functional, the pseudo-code description will be used to assign a mark.


Describe the various options - if any - of your software